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Етикет: PHP

WordPress Cyrillic Permalinks transliteration plugin
Note: I first published this plugin 11 years ago. I still use, update and support it.
If you have been using WordPress for a while, you are probably familiar with its great and flexible URL rewrite functions which let your posts use URLs that are friendly both to users and search engines. For example, I have configured my blog so that this entry can be accessed at https://petko.bossakov.eu/wordpress-cyrillic-slugs-plugin.
Unfortunately, this feature doesn’t work so smoothly with post titles in Cyrillic. They may confuse the code which generates the „Slugs“ included in the friendly URL, resulting in a bunch of meaningless characters, or – even worse – broken URLs.
I have coded a small WordPress plugin to take care of that. It automatically converts your Cyrillic post titles in phonetically equivalent Latin slugs.
Download here:
Cyrillic Permalinks 2.0.0